

Hi, my name is Blake

I write about the worlds that music allows me to visit and how they connect to my own.

Noted was an idea that started several years ago from conversations with my partner over meals at our favorite Mexican restaurant. She knew I liked to listen to music intently and that I had lots of thoughts she encouraged I let out.

The first concept involved a rating system of sorts, with something either being “Noted”, “Notable”, or “Noteworthy”. However that concept has changed as I don’t want to write album reviews and I’ve grown to not enjoy reading them. There will be no scores given here as those seem to only serve those who want their opinions justified.

I simply want to write about music (and occasionally other media) as often and deeply as I’m compelled to. My goal is to make an interesting notation for each piece I write about and hope that others may find it interesting as well. Thanks for reading.